Bacground of CFC to HFC Conversion

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The automobile industry is at the threshold of being forced to perform retrofits on a major scale. There are about 140 million vehicles on the road today. Of those cars about one half have a potential for retrofit. At an average cost of $250.00 per vehicle, that works out to 17.5 billion dollars to be spent. This site is intended to provide automotive air conditioning shops a place to exchange information on the retrofitting procedures and troubles encountered.
In the 1970's scientists expressed concern that the ozone layer was being destroyed by CFC's (Chloroflourocarbons) released into the atmosphere. They theorize that CFC's migrate up to the upper atmosphere where ultraviolet rays cause chlorine to be released. Then chlorine repeatedly combines with ozone molecules breaking them down. The ozone layer is located 10 to 30 miles above the earth's surface. It protects us by absorbing some of the ultraviolet rays from the sun. Ultraviolet rays are harmful to all living organisms. Among the problems it can cause are skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to the immune system. One of the major ozone depleting substances is refrigerant R12 (CFC-12). By the mid 1980's scientists confirmed their suspicions about the depletion of the ozone layer by discovering a hole in the ozone layer.
In September, of 1987 the United States and 22 other countries meet in Montreal, Canada and signed an agreement (Montreal Protocol) to limit the production of CFC's. Some scientists disagree with all of these findings. The bottom line is we must follow the laws as they are passed.
Due to concern of the ozone layer the United States Congress passed the Federal Clean Air Act of 1990. It includes requirements that are consistent with, but in some cases more stringent than the revised Montreal Protocol. Title VI of the Clean Air Act directs the Environmental Protection Agency to create programs to protect the stratospheric ozone layer. Section 609 of the Clean Air Act concerns motor vehicle air conditioners.
For in depth information , please contact the EPA:
Mailing Address:
US Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20460
Links to the EPA Web Site
Ozone Protection Hot Line:
EPA World Wide Web Site URL:
The overall point of the rules and regulations is to keep refrigerants from being released into the atmosphere.

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